Genome-Wide Bisulfite Sequencing Analyser Software

GBSA is a free and academical software developed at the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore. A paper describing our sotfware is available in open access here. If you use GBSA, please cite us as follows:

Touati Benoukraf, Sarawut Wongphayak, Luqman Hakim Abdul Hadi, Mengchu Wu, and Richie Soong  
GBSA: a comprehensive software for analysing whole genome bisulfite sequencing data  
Nucl. Acids Res. (2013) 41 (4): e55. 


If you have any comments, suggestions, questions, bug reports, etc, feel free to contact us by email: Touati Benoukraf ( and PLEASE provide the version and attach your command line, log messages or screenshot.