
miREM is an academic web analysis tool developed at the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore.

A manuscript describing miREM has been published. If you currently use miREM, please cite us as follows:

Luqman Hakim Abdul Hadi*, Quy Xiao Xuan Lin*, Tran Minh Tri*, Marie Loh, Hong Kiat Ng, Agus Salim, Richie Soong and Touati Benoukraf. miREM: An expectation-maximization approach for prioritizing miRNAs associated with gene-sets. BMC Bioinformatics 19, 299 (2018). [Manuscript]
*these authors contributed equally to this work

If you have any comments, suggestions, questions, bug reports, etc, feel free to contact Richie Soong ( or Touati Benoukraf (